IV Multivitamins with Glutathione Infusion


One can also have the option to undergo IV Glutathione with Collagen and Vit C once or twice in a week to benefit from its anti oxidant anti aging properties. It is believed to fight the oxygen radicals and mutagenic properties that comes in our food intake and environment. It can prevent cancer and may boost one’s immune system. The good news is, it can also brighten your skin and will make it healthier.

One can also have the option to undergo IV Glutathione with Collagen and Vit C once or twice in a week to benefit from its anti oxidant anti aging properties. It is believed to fight the oxygen radicals and mutagenic properties that comes in our food intake and environment. It can prevent cancer and may boost one’s immune system. The good news is, it can also brighten your skin and will make it healthier.

Glutathione – What is it and Why Should I Care

Glutathione, also known as GSH, is an antioxidant that has an essential function in increasing the overall health and well being of hormonal function within the body. Like many other antioxidants, Glutathione serves as a chemical balancer in the body to reduce inflammation and improve overall hormonal function of enzymes within the body.

But first of all, what is an antioxidant?

Antioxidants are chemical balancers within the body that scoop up harmful free radicals and allow them to be excreted from the blood stream and organs. By doing this, you can help reduce the rate of aging, the onset of cancer or other chronic illnesses, and improve overall mental health and energy throughout every aspect of life.

What are free radicals and why are they damaging to the body?

When two enzymes react, often times the reaction produces an unwanted chain of oxygen based molecules that are the left over by product of a chemical reaction. This process is referred to as oxidization. The left over product of oxidization is called a free radical. Free radicals are referred to as such because they have been known to interfere with normal chemical balance of the body, clogging up delicate intracellular functions and hormonal balance in the blood stream.

While you can’t see free radicals or even feel them, over time they can damage the body at a cellular level and increase the rate of aging and the onset of unwanted medical conditions such as cancer and diabetes. Individuals with diets high in antioxidants have been shown to have a lower rate of such conditions and better overall health.

Why Glutathione?

Referred to by some as the mother of all antioxidants, glutathione is known to react with sulfuric and peroxide based free radicals that are often times the byproduct of cellular function within the body. The compounds that glutathione reacts with are typically some of the strongest free radicals in the body and have been known to cause more cellular damage.

While the body naturally produces its own supply of glutathione to combat these elements within the body, it is often times a good idea to add more glutathione to your system in order to make sure that the antioxidants are fully drained from your system.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of research to suggest that this supplement is not readily absorbed through oral supplementation, so in order to make sure you absorb enough to make a difference in your health, you need to take at least one gram per day. This translates into around 3-4 capsules for most dosage levels in order to get the proper amount as much of it is diluted in the gastrointestinal system.

The overall benefits of glutathione make it better and more worthwhile as an antioxidant than wine or green tea. If you have an interest in your health and want to prevent cancer or any other chronic conditions, glutathione is a supplement that you need to add to your regimen right away!